My seminar class went to a few of the art fairs this week.
Here is a sampling on Flickr.Sadly, my camera died after the first day, so this is actually only half of the weekend.
At the Armory:
- I wish I had gotten a picture of Moyra Davey's Copperheads, I am always finding myself drawn to her work.
- A lot of crafty things happening, like cut paper, collage, painting on photographs, intricate detail.
- Not as much video as I thought there would be.
- Really liked the Galeria Oliva Arauna of Madrid where I saw Concha Prada's work. Also Per Barclay.
- There was an overall feeling of safety at the Armory. Nothing too surprising, not the place for emerging artists.
- Monsieur X had some interesting erotic photos from the 30's
Volta was a breath of fresh air after the Armory. Much younger, hipper, edgier. But not as hip and edgy as Red Dot, and The INdependent, which reminded me of something Chuck said, "cutting edge, bleeding edge". Bleeding indeed.
We also made it to the New Museum and to the Lower East Side galleries.